Thursday, June 11, 2015

Natural Sunburn Remedies

We have all had those "Oh no!" moments as we feel that burn and itch which inevitably leads to a bright crimson sunburn! Sometimes we don't have the money to run to the drugstore or nearest wal mart and fork out money for aloe gel or some combination of synthetic ingredients to lather over our skin. And why should we have to? Open up your pantry and your fridge and make one yourself! Chances are it will be a lot more beneficial and have a lot less synthetic crap, to be honest. Here are some of my favorites!

If you happen to be one of the new age "oilers" you will know what I am going to say.

UPDATE: 10/10/15 I got REALLY burnt about a week and a couple days ago. My back was definitely in the top 5 worst sunburns I've had. I immediately came home, took a shower to get off all the chemicals of the sunscreen(that didn't work), and mixed together lavender oil and coconut oil. I slathered it all over my burns in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of the pain. Well, I am sort of stingy with my essential oils (: So, knowing the health benefits of coconut oil I proceeded to just apply coconut oil the next few days (like a week). Guess what! NO PEELING! NO MORE BURN! Just a wonderful tan free from nasty skin flakes(haha sorry that's kind of gross!). And with this I add

Coconut Oil. 
You can buy this in any grocery store! Note: coconut oil is in a solid state. Just think of it as a cream. You can also get a liquid coconut oil but it's not as pure. Try finding cold pressed, organic, unrefined. And just slather that all over your burn morning and night for golden, flake-less skin.

Lavender oil.
If you have 100% pure Lavender Essential Oil, this will be the best option!
(NOTE: turn your bottle to the back in ingredients. If it says "lavendin" it is NOT pure lavender oil. It is synthetic and made in a lab. This will HURT your burn and make it worse)

Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and a drop of Lavender Essential Oil in a glass container. Spread it over all of your burns. Do this every 2 hours if needed. (If you are new to essential oils take note that they detox your body. Try doing it only once or twice a day if you are new to eo)

Honey, Milk, and Oats! MY FAVORITE!
Based on this blog here.
I love this blend because each ingredient has natural healing properties! When I use this mix my sting lessens and my burn turns to a tan in about 2 days!

2 cups of raw, uncooked oats. (DO NOT use flavored oatmeal)
1 cup of whole milk
1 tablespoon of honey

Blend the oats in the blender so that they dissolve better in water and also spread more.
Poor into warm/cool water the milk, honey, and oats. Soak for 5-10 minutes.

Mix milk, honey, and blended oats into a bowl or mug. Add a little bit of water. Rub over burn and let sit for 5 minutes and then rinse off. (NOTE: this is messy! I suggest doing this in the tub!)

White distilled vinegar is notorious for its healing on burns! Just apply where needed. You can dilute and soak in a rag to place on burn.

I remember when my younger sister and I were swimming in the ocean when a man-o-war jelly fish wrapped its legs around her and stung the living day lights out of her! We jumped on the dingy and headed for shore where we met a friend to speed us to the ER! They immediately doused her with vinegar! That's all. Vinegar! My dad paid an ER visit for them to cover her head to toe in vinegar! Needless to say we kept lots of vinegar on the boat after that! haha

Black Tea Bags:
While I've never tried this before (probably because even the smell of black tea makes me gag! TMI? haha) I have hear a lot of people swear by it! Check out this success story on another blog. 

She uses 3 bags of Earl Gray Tea
A bath tub
A pitcher
and a rag (she says it will get stained!)

Basically soak the tea bags, let the water cool, soak the rag in the tea, and place the rag on your burn allowing it to soak into your skin. Feel free to sleep with the tea soaking in and wash off the next morning!

Baking Soda:
Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with quart of water.
Soak a wash cloth in this mixture and place it over your burn.
Rinse off after it has soaked in.

Apple Cider Vinegar:
You can apply straight or dilute with room temperature water. Apply directly or soak a rag and place on the burn to soak into the skin.

If you want further explanation of how each ingredient works, check out this blog! She explains each benefit well!

So, what was in your pantry? What did you use?

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