Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Whole 30- Butternut Squash Soup

This one tastes like potatoes! YUM!

Okay, I was super iffy about this recipe when I first saw it but thought "Why not try new things?". And it turns out that this one wasn't too bad. Now, let's be honest. I probably will not make this unless we go on Whole 30 again. BUT if we do, I will definitely be turning to this guy for support!
The number one "is it good?" rating in our house is my husband(who is also diabetic. DOUBLE challenge). If he won't eat it, we don't typically make it again! So, when I suggested a butternut squash soup I am sure he was just as scared as I was. AND this was our FIRST meal on Whole 30. First impressions mean a lot! And this soup passed! My husband posted this after dinner, WIN!

"I might like this whole 30 day challenge. Our whole meal was about 30 carbs and I'm full."-my hubby

Butternut squash soup recipe 

(I don't remember where I got his recipe. Please message me if this is yours so I can give you credit!) 

Preparation time: 50 minutes, active preparation: 20 minutes


  • 2 butternut squashes (This fed two for dinner and gave two lunches the next day!)
  • 1 can of coconut milk (Use 2 cans if you want a thinner soup taste)
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste;
  • Basil Garlic Powder
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
  2. Cut your squash lengthwise and remove the seeds. You can get rid of the seeds or keep them and roast them for a snack later. (Keep them!)
  3. Place the halves, cut side down, on a baking sheet and place in the oven for about 50 minutes. They may brown on the skin. Verify that the flesh is fork tender and it’s ready.
  4. Now either wait for the squash to cool down. Scoop out the cooked flesh. 
  5. Place flesh in a sauce pan and add 1 can of coconut milk. (You can add the second can slowly to get the consistency that you want. We chose one can)
  6. Start mashing the squash with a potato masher on a low heat. (I am not that fancy so I just squashed it all with a fork over and over again!) You can also place the flesh and coconut milk in a blender and blend the mixture.
  7. Once everything is mashed up, adjust the consistency by adding some coconut milk if needed. Toss in your seasoning. (I tore a few small leaves of fresh basil and sprinkled in some garlic powder)
  8. Leave over low heat until warm and serve.

One meal down for your Whole 30 challenge!

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